Monday, May 20, 2013

Job Search

Though I am not completely at the point of success where I'd like to be, I feel as though I'm getting closer each day. I feel motivated to do better and be better at whatever I do.

The other day, my father said a wise, motivating quote. He said "You know, there are two types of horses in the race. There are the super fast ones that finish before any other..and then there are the slower ones that take their time and pace themselves...they get to the finish line slower, but when they get there they make significant change and impact and you may be the slower one, but  you are making a change, a big progress through every little action you take and every accomplishment you make."

This made me feel really good because lately I have been feeling down in the dumps, upset of where I am and what my path in life is. It made me feel proud that my dad was proud me, regardless of me having a full time job or not, at least he sees that I'm working to get one. This made me feel like I am going somewhere and it's true...I just have to keep reminding my self that. I've been applying to different places, interviewing, networking, doing mock interviews and more, but I still felt pretty bad about not finding my niche I guess. I've been pretty negative too lately as well.

But, I'm taking a new stance, I'm trying at least to be more take an active role in my make applying to jobs a full-time job. This is my priority. Also, applying to several graduate schools is also important to me. I can't give up. I'm already too close to my dream to give up. Have you ever had that feeling? Where you feel like each day you are getting closer to your main goal in life? Like those little steps you take are bringing some eternal happiness inside you? Well, I have been feeling that too...despite the lazy river of anxious waiting and hearing back from people and agencies I've applied to. Despite it all, I feel like my training and work in progress is bringing me closer to my dreams and that I would say is very fulfilling and I'm not giving up.

'Education is a life long process' and this quote, to me, refers to learning from past mistakes and modifying my behavior to bring me closer to happiness, God, and my dreams for the future. Education is not just inside a textbook or a classroom, it is learning from those around you that have different backgrounds, skills, and experience with life in general, and applying that knowledge to your life. That is what education is to me.

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