Monday, April 7, 2014

You Raise Me Up to Stand on Mountains

So I am really not looking forward to moving back home with my parents...

These past few weeks a lot has been changing and I am blessed to have a new job starting soon. I will be moving closer to the city (with my parents of course), which is also is something to look forward to.

This unanticipated new job is starting sooner than I thought although my lease doesn't end until May. I prayed about this I really did. Like "why is this happening now God? Why??" But like always God will not tell me until the time is right. I think I've realized this over the past year, that somethings are just out of our control and we just have to learn to accept it.

Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the Serenity to accept
the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can...
And the wisdom to know the difference
This picture above was by my footsteps as I walked by the lake today, just calling for my attention. It really makes me think that I have to let God help me live my life by his/her will. I cannot keep pushing against it. It wasn't my wishes to move back home so soon, but maybe it's best. 
To be honest, this post was not just about that. It's really about how thankful I am for the family I have made through the Church of Christ. For many a time, I was scared to say it... that I was and I am searching for God...not religion...but God and in other ways but one. I have been attending the Church of Christ since September of 2013. I really maybe was scared to say that to people, especially those of my community, think they will look down upon me. I think it was hard at first to also have my parents understand why I was doing this "soul search" as I would like to call it. Like why on earth do I need to look at other religions other than my own to understand God, they didn't seem to get it.

They seem to finally get that I am on this new journey to "Haqiqati Samaj" as some Muslims in the journey of knowledge. But through this journey, I have found more than just knowledge, I have found LOVE, and not that love you see in movies, or that love you think about with your significant other, but the love you never hear about...that love that I thought had gone ancient. The love of strangers who treat you like family. The love of friends that treat you like siblings. The love of humanity that really had no common cause but to share the love Christ and through their actions, my friends and family of the Church of Christ has so graciously made me feel at home.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be

These weeks have gone by quicker because of them. The random dinners, get-togethers, potlucks, church-Sundays, brunches, Chili nights, everything has made me feel loved. The love I cannot describe. When I struggled through seasonal depression and loneliness from my family and friends, they are the ones that took me to their homes, even though I was a stranger and brought me good conversation and pretzel buns (not kidding). They took in my uneasiness about religion and God with patience and still didn't give up on reaching out to me. They really met me at where I am at right now and where I was months before. They lifted me up when I was down and made me stronger to get back on my own two feet. I cant thank them enough for all they have done and are still doing.

I really think I've changed for the better and hope to not lose what I have gained from them when I move back home. Their values of selflessness, of true kindness, of prayer, and relationship with God are very important to me now, even more than before. I also learned how important it is to be thankful and realize the blessings we receive from God each day, not only for simple things like the Sun is shining, or thanking God for waking us up in the morning, but also being aware of how much we do have even when we think we don't. God puts obstacles in our way for us to later appreciate the ''golden era" that comes and goes and to realize that pride is never a good thing because our blessings can instantly be taken away. Lastly God loves us, and it doesn't matter if we make mistakes, and/or we are not the best. God's love is unconditional, even when those around us isn't always. So I rather seek God for now, than seek superficial pleasures that may not be their in the long run, like money, boyfriends, clothes, etc. I mean all that is great but those are also so temporary.

I know I've said God so many times in this past paragraph, but I honestly thank God so much for this knowledge he/she has given me and for awakening me. God bless. Amen. 

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